Table 1. Sampling localities of Oxymycterus nasutus in Southern Brazil and Uruguay.
Haplotype | ||||||||
# | Sample sitea | Lat. (S), Long. (W) | N | Voucherb | Cytb | Fgb-I7 | Haplogroup | Skull |
1 | BR: PR, Quatro Barras | -25.3658, -49.0769 | 4 | MHNCI 4605,4607,4608,4595 | H1 | H3, H15, H24 | Eastern | + |
2 | BR: PR, Piraquara | -25.4419, -49.0627 | 8 | UFPR-P42,53,54,56,59,60,62,65 | H1-H5 | H3, H17 | Eastern | - |
3 | BR: PR, Curitiba | -25.4789, -49.3307 | 1 | UFPR-P86 | H1 | - | Eastern | - |
4 | BR: PR, Curitiba, Parque Regional do Iguaçu | -25.5229, -49.2229 | 1 | MHNCI 3433 | H1 | H1 | Eastern | + |
5 | BR: SC, São José dos Pinhais | -25.5799, -49.1753 | 11 | UFPR-P969, 995*,1008*,1018*,1019*,1039*,1049*,1051*,1053*,1055,1061 | H1 | H3, H18, H19 | Eastern | + |
6 | BR: SC, Castro | -24.7908, -50.0120 | 4 | MHNCI 816–818, 0821 | - | - | Central | + |
7 | BR: SC, Ponta Grossa | -25.2440, -50.0227 | 7 | UFPR-P76, MHNCI 642, 657, 709, 723, 838, 839 | H6 | - | Central | + |
8 | BR: SC, São Mateus do Sul | -25.8738, -50.3827 | 1 | MHNCI 3192 | H7 | - | Northwest | + |
9 | BR: SC, Candói, | -25.5708, -52.0527 | 1 | CZFURB 18228 | H8 | H1; H2 | Northwest | + |
10 | BR: SC, São Domingos | -26.6163, -52.5388 | 2 | CZFURB 18119, 18153 | H11 | H8, H11, H12 | Central | + |
11 | BR: SC, Agua Doce | -26.9977, -51.5558 | 2 | CZFURB 9365, 9856 | H12, H13 | H1, H3-5 | Central | + |
12 | BR: SC, Ponta Alta do Norte | -27.1153, -50.4577 | 2 | MHNCI 4951, 4596 | H9, H10 | H1; H10 | Northwest | + |
13 | BR: SC, Indaial | -27.0830, -49.1166 | 1 | CZFURB 9825 | H10 | H15; H15 | Central | + |
14 | BR: SC, Abdon Batista | -27.6108, -51.0227 | 1 | CZFURB 20520 | H2 | H13; H14 | Central | + |
15 | BR: RS, Erechim | -27.6338, -52.2738 | 2 | CMLCE-UFRGS HFE 2, 4 | H2 | H1; H6, H7 | Central | - |
16 | BR: RS, Campo Belo do Sul | -27.9625, -50.8231 | 4 | CZFURB 15106*, 15109, 15140, 15154* | H2 | H8; H9 | Central | + |
17 | BR: RS, Vacaria | -28.511944, -50.933889 | 1 | MCNU 2498 | H2 | - | Central | - |
18 | BR: RS, Cambará do Sul | -29.191667, -50.0975 | 2 | CMLCE-UFRGS AS5, 17 | H14 | H1, H14, H20 | Eastern | - |
19 | BR: RS, São Francisco de Paula | -29.428322, -50.259444 | 10 | MCNU 3043, 3210, 3658, 3656*, 3657*; CMLCE-UFRGS PM 100, 104, 74, 79, 86 | H14, H15 | H1, H8, H16-17, H21-24 | Eastern | + |
20 | BR: RS, Montenegro | -29.682555, -51.466450 | 1 | FZB-MCN 547 | - | - | Steppes Plain | + |
21 | BR: RS, Eldorado do Sul | -29.997139, -51.307861 | 1 | FZB-MCN 675 | - | - | Steppes Plain | + |
22 | BR: RS, Guaíba | -30.113889, -51.325 | 11 | MCNU 3211, 3652, 3228, 3119, 3009, 3141, 3146*, 3142, 3149, 3212, 3653 | H16 | H1, H3, H24, H26, H33-34 | Steppes Plain | + |
23 | BR: RS, Barra do Ribeiro | -30.290833, -51.300833 | 6 | MCNU 3144, 3654*, 3147, 3230, 3039, 3135 | H16, H17, H18 | H1, H33-35 | Steppes Plain | + |
24 | BR: RS, Sentinela do Sul | -30.610833, -51.578889 | 1 | MCNU 314 | H19 | H1; H29 | Steppes Plain | + |
25 | BR: RS, Tapes | -30.669849, -51.429707 | 1 | MCNU 3132 | H19 | - | Steppes Plain | + |
26 | BR: RS, Camaquã | -30.850833, -51.811944 | 10 |
CMLCE-UFRGS FQ 47; MCNU 3011, 3012, 3110, 3116, 3122, 3124, 3133, 3214, 3227; CZFURB 6249*,6250 |
H20-H24 | - | Steppes Plain | + |
27 | BR: RS, Cristal | -31.002778, -52.050 | 3 | MCNU 4331; CMLCE-UFRGS FQ 63, 72 | H22 | H1; H30 | + | |
28 | BR: RS, São Lourenço do Sul | -31.365, -51.977778 | 5 | MCNU 3225, 3109, 3123, 3115, 3010 | H19, H26 | H1, H26; H31 | Steppes Plain | + |
29 | BR: RS, Rosário do Sul | -30.247938, -54.924036 | 1 | FZB-MCN 648 | - | - | Steppes Plain | + |
30 | BR: RS, Dom Pedrito | -30.975882, -54.666567 | 2 | FZB-MCN 710, 1011 | - | - | Steppes Plain | + |
31 | BR: RS, Bagé | -31.330833, -54.106944 | 2 | CMLCE-UFRGS ALL 12, 13 | H25 | H1, H25-27 | Steppes Plain | - |
32 | BR: RS, Pelotas | -31.771944, -52.342778 | 4 | CMLCE-UFRGS PL 300; MCNU 3223, 3041,3042 | H19, H27 | H1, H28-30 | Steppes Plain | + |
33 | BR: RS, Rio Grande | -32.035, -52.098889 | 2 | CMLCE-UFRGS MEV 01; MCNU 3014 | H31 | H31 | Taim Wetland | - |
34 | BR: RS, Rio Grande, ESEC Taim | -32.7425, -52.574444 | 3 | MCNU 3661*, 3131, 3660 | H32, H33 | H31 | Taim Wetland | + |
35 | BR: RS, Rio Grande, ÁPA Lagoa Verde | -32.139934, -52.181064 | 1 | MCNU 3660 | H33 | - | Taim Wetland | + |
36 | BR: RS, Pedro Osório | -31.863889, -52.822778 | 4 | CMLCE-UFRGS POS 18, 20, 25, 27 | H28, H29 | H26; H36 | Southern | - |
37 | BR: RS, Herval | -32.023889, -53.395833 | 1 | CMLCE-UFRGS HL 01 | H30 | H31; H37 | Southern | - |
38 | UY: Rocha, Parque Santa Teresa | -34.008180, -53.552735 | 1 | MNHN SN EMG1809 | - | H3; H3 | Southern | - |
39 | UY: Rocha, Laguna de Castillos | -34.35, -53.866667 | 2 | MNHN SN SCV 108, 110 | H34 | H38, H29; H30 H39 | Southern | - |
40 | UY: Rocha, Route 9 km 304.800 | -34.357743, -54.064845 | 1 | MNHN SN GD 577** | H35 | - | Southern | - |
41 | UY: Rocha, La Paloma, La Palma | -34.655896, -54.181969 | 2 | MNHN SN CA 614, 617* | H34 | H24; H24 | Southern | + |
42 | UY: Maldonado, San Carlos | -34.915632, -54.865456 | 2 | MNHN SN GD 723; MVZ 182701 (CA458)** | H37, H38 | H3; H31 | Southern | - |
43 | UY: Maldonado, Pan de Azucar | -34.779218, -55.232399 | 1 | MNHN SN CA 680* | - | - | Southern | + |
44 | UY: Maldonado, Solís Grande | -34.783273, -55.334011 | 1 | MNHN SN CA 695** | H37 | - | Southern | + |
45 | UY: Canelones, La Floresta | -34.770278, -55.588333 | 1 | MNHN 5615 (EMG1567) | H36 | H26; H31 | Southern | - |
Localities (#) are mapped in Fig 1. Vouchers, Cytb/Fgb-I7 haplotypes and presence (+)/absence (-) of skull samples per site are presented.
a: Abreviations: BR: Brazil, UY: Uruguay; PR, Paraná; SC, Santa Catarina; RS, Rio Grande do Sul states.
b: Acronyms of collections: UFPR-P, Scientific Collection of the Cytogenetic and Conservation Laboratory at the Universidade Federal do Paraná; MHNCI, Museu de História Natural Capão da Imbuía; CZFURB, Zoological Collection of the Universidade Regional de Blumenau; CMLCE-UFRGS, Mastozoological Collection of the Cytogenetic Laboratory and Evolution at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; MCNU, Museu de História Natural of the Universidade Luterana do Brasil; MNHN, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Uruguay); FZB-MCN, Fundação Zoobotânica-Museu de Ciências Naturais; MVZ, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California/Berkeley.
*Vouchers presenting only skulls.
**Data obtained from NIH genetic sequence database (Genbank;