Fig 4. Examples of learned GP kernels.
A Left: inferred kernels Kt, Ke, Ks in the top, center, and bottom rows, respectively. Center: corresponding stationary auto-covariances from the Matérn(3/2) kernels (Eq 4). Right: corresponding unnormalized ‘gamma-like’ envelopes dα,β (Eq 5). The inferred quantities are in agreement with what is observed in Fig 3B: first, the shape of temporal term dα,β reflects that the artifact starts small, then the variance amplitude peaks at ∼.5 ms, and then decreases rapidly. Likewise, the corresponding spatial dα,β indicates that the artifact variability induced by the stimulation is negligible for electrodes greater than 700 microns away from the stimulating electrode. B Same as A), but for the stimulating electrode. Only temporal kernels are shown, for two inter-breakpoint ranges (first and second rows, respectively).