Neighborhood Indicator | Weight |
Percentage of households living in poverty | 0.22 |
Percentage of household receiving public assistance | 0.17 |
Percentage of housing units unoccupied | 0.07 |
Percentage of renter-occupied housing | −0.03 |
Percentage of households living in the same house in past 5 years | 0.14 |
Percentage of occupied housing units with no vehicle | 0.12 |
Percentage of occupied housing units with >1 person per room (crowding) | 0.23 |
Percentage of adults 25 years or older with <high school diploma or equivalent | 0.31 |
Percentage of unemployed individuals 16 years or older in the civilian labor force | 0.19 |
Percentage of female-headed households | −0.13 |
a Six participants were missing census tract data, so for this analysis, n = 214.