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. 2017 Nov 27;55(12):3466–3491. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00970-17


Specificity of the mPCR assay for each respective targeta

Species Mean (SD) Cq
gDNA alone from species:
All Edwardsiella gDNA mixed together
E. anguillarum E. ictaluri E. piscicida E. tarda
E. anguillarum 23.28 (0.07) 23.21 (0.09)
E. ictaluri 22.61 (0.10) 22.49 (0.05)
E. piscicida 22.63 (0.15) 22.50 (0.09)
E. tarda 22.93 (0.13) 22.50 (0.12)

The user-defined fluorescence threshold for Cq determination was set at 50 relative fluorescence units. Dashes indicate no amplification of DNA.