Fig. 6.
Impact of Vps34 inactivation on mitochondrial content and function. a Confocal images of Tom20 staining (mitochondrial marker) in primary hepatocytes in insulin-free HM media. DAPI-stained nuclei are shown in blue. A representative image of 50 cells analyzed is shown. Scale bar, 20 µm. b, c Seahorse XF24 measurement of oxygen consumption (OCR) by hepatocytes or differentiated myotubes isolated from WT and Vps34D761A/+ mice. Quantification of basal respiration, ATP production and maximal respiratory capacity are shown on the graphs. Hepatocyte cultures derived from 3–5 independent mice/genotype; myotube cultures derived from three independent mice/genotype. Data represent mean ± SEM (Student t-test). d Seahorse XF24 measurement of extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) of differentiated myotubes. Myotube cultures were derived from three independent mice/genotype. e Total ATP levels in liver and gastrocnemius muscle in randomly fed mice. Data represent mean ± SEM (non-parametric Mann–Whitney t-test). 5 mice/genotype. *p < 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001