Figure 2.
Dnm1 generates NGC necessary
for mitochondrial membrane fission.
(A) SAXS spectra from 75/15/10 and 75/5/20 PE/PC/CL model mitochondrial
membranes incubated with Dnm1 at P/L = 1/1000. Correlation peaks corresponding to assigned reflections
are indicated for hexagonal (green) and cubic (black lines) phases.
(B) 3D reconstructions depicting Im3m (left) and Pn3m (right) cubic
phases, which have continuous surfaces with NGC at every point. (C)
Indexing of Dnm1-induced HII, and Pn3m and Im3m QII phases for 75/15/10 (red) and 75/5/20 (blue) PE/PC/CL membranes.
Plots of the measured Q positions, Qmeasured, versus the assigned reflections in terms of
Miller indices, for hexagonal
for cubic phases. The lattice
were calculated from the slopes of the linear regressions through
the points and are provided in the legend.