Figure 4. Altered expression of oxidative stress responses in end-stage NASH.
(A) Western analysis of overall expression of Trx1, TrxR1, TxNIP, SOD2, Catalase and GSTp1 in 10µg of whole cell extracts prepared from normal, fNASH and nfNASH hepatic tissue. (B) Paraffin embedded formalin fixed tissue sections were analyzed immunohistochemically using polyclonal antibodies directed against catalase and SOD2 respectively followed by confocal microcopy of (Green=SOD2, Red=Catalase, Blue= Hoechst 33342 nuclear staining). Panels A, D, G Normal tissue, B, E, H nfNASH and C, F, I fNASH. Top panels-SOD2 alone, middle panels Catalase alone, bottom panels Catalase and SOD2 expression merged (SOD2 green, catalase Red). Arrows indicate catalase positive cells that are not expressing SOD2.