Fig 1. Interaction of the TCF7L2 gene polymorphism (rs12255372) with fat (g) intake, PUFA intake and Alpha Linolenic Acid (g) intake on HDL-C.
Individuals carrying the ‘XT’ genotype had 2.26 mg/dl higher HDL-C in the lowest fat tertile (P = 0.008), while those in the highest tertile had 1.87 mg/dl lower HDL-C (P = 0.017) than those who carry the ‘GG’ allele. Carriers of the ‘XT’ genotype had 1.96 mg/dl higher HDL-C in the 1st tertile of PUFA intake (g) (P = 0.024), while those in the 3rd tertile had 1.64 mg/dl lower HDL-C in comparison to the carriers of the ‘GG’ genotype (P = 0.028). In the 1st tertile of Alpha Linolenic acid intake (g), individuals with the ‘XT’ genotype had 2.42 mg/dl higher HDL-C than the ‘GG’ homozygotes (P = 0.004).