a) FIMO was used to identify the top 1 million matches for Motif 1 in hg19 (
Bailey et al., 2015. For 0.1 percentile bins of increasing FIMO score, the proportion of motif matches occurring within 150 bp of a PRDM9 peak center is plotted (p<10
−6, minsep 250). Even the strongest 0.1% of motif matches are only bound 50% of the time. (
b) PRDM9 peaks overlapping Motif 1 (and having more than 5 input reads overlapping the peak center) were divided into those overlapping promoters (stringently, those within 1 kb of a TSS, overlapping an H3K4me3 peak in untransfected cells, and overlapping a DNase HS site; gray), and non-promoters (failing those criteria and further not overlapping an H3K4me3 peak reported by any ENCODE data; see Materials and methods; pink). Mean raw input coverage values are plotted in decile bins of FIMO score, with error bars representing ±2 s.e.m. (
c,d) Same as b, but with mean sum of raw ChIP fragment coverage values in each bin (c) or mean computed enrichment values in each bin (d). Overall, promoters show greater input sequencing coverage and thus we have greater power to detect weak binding in these regions. When corrected for this sequencing bias, we see that promoter binding sites tend to have weaker binding enrichment for a given FIMO score. (
e) Mean force-called testis DMC1 enrichment values (
Pratto et al., 2014) are reported for promoter (pink squares) and non-promoter (gray circles) human PRDM9 peaks split into quartiles of PRDM9 enrichment (filtered to not overlap repeats or occur within 15 Mb of a telomere; error bars represent two standard errors of the mean). Both median PRDM9 enrichment values and DMC1 enrichment values are greater for non-promoter peaks, even in overlapping ranges of PRDM9 enrichment, as observed for LD-based recombination rate estimates (
Figure 2c). (
f) Mean raw testis DMC1 coverage in 20 kb windows centered on bound motifs, for promoter (pink) and non-promoter (gray) peaks further filtered only to include peaks with PRDM9 enrichment values between 1 and 2 (smoothing: ksmooth bandwidth 200). There is a local spike in DMC1 coverage around non-promoter binding sites, similar to the peak observed in LD-based recombination rate (
Figure 2d), and an apparent depletion of DMC1 coverage at promoter binding sites. .