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. 2017 Nov 28;11(6):531–542. doi: 10.1111/irv.12513

Table 1.

Hemagglutinin sequence information for swine H1 influenza A viruses

Virus namea Virus H1 cluster Labelb GenBank accession or sourcec
A/swine/Iowa/15/1930 (H1N1) Classical IA30 cH1 EU139823
A/swine/Illinois/02450/2008 (H1N1) α IL08 H1α CY099052
A/swine/South Dakota/A01823598/2015 (H1N2) α SD15 H1α KT356682
A/swine/St‐Hyacinthe/106/1991 (H1N1) α SH91 H1α U11857
A/swine/Iowa/40766/1992 (H1N1) α IA92 H1α KP788773
A/swine/Minnesota/00040/2002 (H1N1) β MN02 H1β Zoetis
A/swine/Iowa/00239/2004 (H1N1) β IA04 H1β KM198690
A/swine/Iowa/110600/2000 (H1N1) γ IA00 H1γ FS Zoetis
A/swine/Minnesota/PAH618/2011 (H1N1) γ MN11 H1γ Zoetis
A/swine/Ohio/02973/2010 (H1N1) γ OH10 H1γ Zoetis
A/swine/Iowa/A01940123/2015 (H1N1) γ IA15 H1γ KT699044
A/swine/Minnesota/A01940015/2015 (H1N1) γ MN15 H1γ KT595733
A/swine/Iowa/A01410129/2012 (H1N1) γ2 IA12 H1γ‐2 KJ397936
A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) H1N1pdm09 CA09 H1pdm GQ117044
A/swine/Oklahoma/0726H/2008 (H1N2) δ1 OK08 H1δ1 FS Zoetis
A/swine/Ontario/55383/04 (H1N2) δ1 ON04 H1δ1 DQ280212
A/swine/Illinois/PAH710/2011 (H1N2) δ1 IL11 H1δ1 Zoetis
A/swine/South Dakota/A01823304/2015 (H1N2) δ1 SD15 H1δ1 KT277819
A/swine/Oklahoma/A01566774/2014 (H1N2) δ1 OK14 H1δ1 KP270784
A/swine/Minnesota/A01823864/2015 (H1N2) δ1 MN15a H1δ1 KT699050
A/swine/Iowa/A01823426/2015 (H1N2) δ1 IA15 H1δ1 KT356694
A/swine/Minnesota/A01940042/2015 (H1N2) δ1 MN15b H1δ1 KT733589
A/swine/North Carolina/031/2005 (H1N1) δ2 NC05 H1δ2 FS Zoetis
A/swine/NC/00573/2005 (H1N1) δ2 NC05 H1δ2 FJ638306

FS viruses are shown in bold font.


FS viruses have “FS” at the end of their labels.


Sequences marked “Zoetis” were provided by Zoetis and are considered proprietary.