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. 2017 Nov 28;7:16471. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16739-x

Table 3.

Results of the simple linear mixed-model for reaction times including estimated regression coefficients together with the t statistic, as well as a Tukey corrected break down of significant interactions (left columns).

Estimate t Estimate t
(Intercept) 0.051 0.836 0.050 0.875
Condition (con vs. incon) −0.136 −7.119 −0.138 −7.341
Object type (global vs. local) −0.144 −5.634 −0.143 −7.638
Room type (own vs. other) 0.063 3.055 0.062 3.056
Trial (centered) −0.031 −7.098
Condition × Object type −0.043 −2.278 −0.040 −2.135
Condition × Room type −0.014 −0.740 −0.014 −0.738
Object type × Room type −0.049 −2.566 −0.050 −2.661
Condition × Trial 0.004 0.994
Object type × Trial 0.009 2.075
Room type × Trial −0.008 −1.847
Condition × Object type × Room type −0.025 −1.292 −0.024 −1.295
Condition × Object type × Trial 0.012 2.704
Condition × Room type × Trial 0.003 0.715
Object type × Room type × Trial −0.001 −0.002
Condition × Object type × Room Type × Trial −0.001 −0.112
Tukey contrasts of LMM interactions
Estimate z p
con (global) vs. incon (global) −0.358 −5.793 0.001
con (global) vs. con (local) −0.376 −5.933 0.001
con (global) vs. incon (local) −0.560 −8.772 0.001
incon (global) vs. con (local) −0.018 −0.277 0.993
incon (global) vs. incon (local) −0.202 −3.140 0.009
con (local) vs. incon (local) −0.185 −4.143 0.001
other (global) vs. own (global) 0.027 0.431 0.973
other (global) vs. other (local) −0.387 −6.035 0.001
other (global) vs. own (local) −0.164 −2.499 0.060
own (global) vs. other (local) −0.414 −6.306 0.001
own (global) vs. own (local) −0.191 −3.005 0.014
other (local) vs. own (local) 0.223 4.731 0.001

On the right, the results of the LMM including Trial as an interacting covariate are depicted.