Effect of aflatoxin B1 on the livers of mice exposed to 44 μg, 442 μg, and 663 μg of AFB1/kg b.w. at 5 days after exposure. (A) Lesional score. The data are expressed as the mean ± SD, n = 5. Means without a common letter were statistically significant (p < 0.05), as demonstrated by Tukey’s test. The liver lesions observed in animals treated with AFB1 were (B) focal necrosis of hepatocytes (arrow), HE, 40×, 50 μm; (C) vacuolar hepatocyte degeneration (nuclear (black arrow) and cytoplasmic (blue arrow)) and megalocytosis (red arrow), HE, 40×, 50 μm; and (D) centrolobular inflammatory infiltrate, HE, 40×, 50 μm.