a, Schematic of LwaCas13a arrayed screening. b-e, Arrayed knockdown screen of 186 guides evenly tiled across the Gluc transcript (b) or 93 guides evenly tiled across each of the Cluc (c), KRAS (d), and PPIB (e) transcripts. f, Validation of the top three guides from the endogenous arrayed knockdown screens with shRNA comparisons. All values are mean ± SEM with n = 3. ***p< 0.001; **p < 0.01; two-tailed student's T-test). g, Arrayed knockdown screen of 93 guides evenly tiled across the MALAT1 transcript. h, Validation of top three guides from the endogenous arrayed MALAT1 knockdown screen with shRNA comparisons. i, Multiplexed delivery of five guides in a CRISPR array against five different endogenous genes under the expression of a single promoter is capable of robust knockdown. j, Multiplexed delivery of three guides against three different endogenous genes or with constructs replacing each of the guides with a non-targeting sequence shows specific knockdown of the genes targeted. All values are mean ± SEM with n = 3.