Table 4. A summary of pinniped mass estimation studies.
Category | Reference | Species | Key Measurements | N | Mass-Estimation Error A | |
Morphometric | Hofman 1975 | LS,WS,RS,CES | Length, Girth2 | 31 | ± 8.1% | |
Kooyman and Castellini 1990 | WS | Length, Girth2 | 12 | Not Reported B | ||
Castellini and Calkins 1993 | SSL | Length, Girth2 | 390 | ± 0.98% | ||
Van den Hoff et al. 2005 | LS | Length, Girth2 | 51 | ± ~34% C | ||
Photogrammetric | Single Camera | Hayley et al. 1991 | NES | Side Area, Girth Area, Length | 70 | ± 12% |
Bell et al. 1997 | SES | Girth Area, Side Area | 45 | ± 4.71% D | ||
McFadden et al. 2006 | MS | Girth Perimeter, Lateral Perimeter | 26 | Not Reported E | ||
Ireland et al. 2006 | WS | Overhead Width, Side Area, Side Height | 73 | ± 13.8% | ||
Meise et al. 2014 | GSL | Adjusted Length, Girth | ♂ 15 | ± 7.46% F | ||
♀ 21 | ± 13.54% G | |||||
This Study | LS | Overall Length, Umbillicus Width | 15 | ± 4.4% | ||
Stereo | Waite et al. 2007 | SSL | Length, Girth2 | 53 | ± 9.0% | |
de Bruyn et al. 2009 | SES | Volume | 13–40 | ± 0.57–8.54% |
A “Mass Estimation Error” represents the lowest error from a given study derived either by cross validation, or residual standard error. Species: leopard seal (LS), Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii, WS), Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii, RS), crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga, CES), Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jabutus, SSL), northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris, NES), southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina, SES), Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi, MS), Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki, GSL).
B R2 = 0.87.
C based on the reported back-transformed error of 120 kg for an approximately 350 kg seal.
D error reported as 95% confidence intervals (CI).
E error was reported as a 95% CI of ±5 kg, but mean true mass not reported; therefore the range of potential error is extremely large.
F based on reported errors for a 75 kg male.
G based on reported errors for a 65 kg female.