(A) Microtubule turnover rates were measured and k-MT half-life was calculated from RPE1 cells before (Control) and after si-RNA-mediated MYPT1-knockdown (MYPT1 KD) in prometaphase and metaphase cells as indicated (n ≥ 10 cells/condition from ≥2 independent experiments. ***Indicates p<0.0001, **indicates p=0.0096, unpaired, two-tailed t-test. (B) Microtubule turnover rates were measured and k-MT half-life was calculated from U2OS cells before (Control) and after si-RNA-mediated MYPT1-knockdown (MYPT1 KD) and with the addition of the Plk1-specific inhibitor Bi-2536 in prometaphase and metaphase cells as indicated (n ≥ 15 cells/condition from ≥2 independent experiments. CT cells p<0.0001; MYPT1 KD cells p=0.04; MYPT1KD +BI-2536 p=0.0038; unpaired, two-tailed t-test). (C) Microtubule turnover rates were measured and k-MT half-life was calculated from U2OS cells before (Control) and after si-RNA-mediated Cyclin A2-knockdown (CycAKD) or transfection with plasmid containing either full-length MYPT1 (MYPT1), phosphonull (MYPT1-473A), phosphomimetic (MYPT1-473D) or tandem phosphomimetic (MYPT1-472:473DD) in prometaphase and metaphase cells as indicated (n ≥ 10 cells/condition in all conditions except MYPT1-473A metaphase where n = 9 cells). ***Indicates p<0.0001, **indicates p=0.004, unpaired, two-tailed t-test. (D) Fraction of anaphase cells displaying lagging chromosomes in RPE1 (Top) and USOS (Bottom) cells before (CT) and after si-RNA-mediated MYPT1-knockdown (MYPT1 KD) (n ≥ 300 anaphases/condition. p-values n.s., unpaired two-tailed t-test). (E) Fraction of anaphase cells displaying lagging chromosomes following release from monastrol treatment in U2OS cells before (Control) and after si-RNA-mediated MYPT1-knockdown (MYPT1 KD) (n ≥ 800 anaphases/condition from two independent experiments. p<0.0001, Chi square contingency analysis).