Table 1. Investigation of the steric influence in the lithiation–borylation reaction a , b .
aReaction conditions: A: (i) 1.3 equiv. sBuLi, Et2O (0.3 M), –78 °C, 1 h; (ii) 1.5 equiv. boronic ester in Et2O (1.0 M), –78 °C, 2 h; (iii) –78 °C → r.t., o/n; B: (i) and (ii) as A; (iii) 1.3 equiv. of MgBr2 in MeOH (1.0 M), then –78 °C → r.t., o/n.
bThe ratio of anti to syn diastereoisomers determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy is shown in parentheses (for details see ESI).
cYield determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy with internal standard.
dTraces of product could be detected by GC/MS but isolation was unsuccessful.