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. 2017 Nov 10;9(11):1231. doi: 10.3390/nu9111231

Table 1.

Effects of resveratrol (RSV) as a single agent against lung cancer: in vitro studies.

Cancer Cell Dose/Duration Findings Mechanism Reference
A549 and H460 100 μM RSV for 24 h ↓growth ↑LC3
↑PELP1 accumulation in autophagosomes with GFP-LC3
A549 25, 50, 100 μM RSV for 48, 72, 96 h ↑apoptosis
↑cell cycle arrest
↑p53 and p21
↑disruption of the mitochondrial membrane complex
G1 cell cycle arrest
Altered expression of cyclin A, chk1, CDC27 and Eg5
↓Smad activators 2 and 4
↑repressor Smad 7
A549, A427 and NCI-H23 20, 50, 100 μM RSV for 2, 4 or 8 h ↓PI3K pathway
↓tumor formation
↓mTOR phosphorylation [24]
BEAS-2B 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) + 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 μM RSV for 6 h RSV is a potent repressor of TCDD inducible gene transcription in estrogen receptor (ER+) human lung cancer RSV completely abrogates TCDD-induced CYP1A1 gene transcription [25]
A549 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75, 87.5, 100 μM DHS for 48 h ↓cell proliferation ↑ROS species
Sub G1 formation (cell cycle arrest)
↓mitochondrial membrane potential
↓Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase degradation
↑intracellular acidic vacuoles
↑LC3-II formation and intracellular GFP-LC3 aggregation
SPC-A-1 25 μM, 50 μM or 100 μM RSV, for up to 96 h ↓proliferation
↑cell cycle arrest
↓survivin levels
A549 60, 120 μM RSV for 24 h Altered miRNA expression (miRNA is involved in initiating lung cancer) - [28]
H1299 10 mM–500 mM RSV, for 4 h ↓glycolysis ↓mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B [29]
16HBE-T and H460 12.5, 25, 50 μM RSV for 48 h ↓cell viability
↓cell proliferation.
↑cell cycle arrest
↑miR-622 expression
↑G0 cell cycle arrest
K-ras is downstream target of miR-622
A549 1.25, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 μM Trimethoxyl Stilbene (TMS) for 48 h TMS inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner ↑Up-regulation and cleavage of caspase-3
↓NF-κB, STAT3, STAT5b and JAK2 signal transduction
ASTC-A-1 0 μM–125 μM RSV for 48 h Induction of apoptosis ↑caspase-3 and-9 [32]
A549, H1299 and H460 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 μM RSV for 5 min, 24, 48 h ↓cell viability (p53 dependent)
Transient transfection of WT p53-GFP gene caused H1299 cells to become more responsive to the pro-apoptotic properties of RSV
↑caspase-9 and -7 activation
↑PARP cleavage
A549 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 μM Pterostilbene for 48 h ↓cell growth.
↑apoptosis. Autophagosome accumulation
Lysosomal membrane permeabilization
HSP70 protein deficiency showed high susceptibility to pterostilbene. [34]
LLC 50 μM RSV for 24 h ↓18F-FDG uptake ↓glycolytic flux and Glut-1 expression
↓HIF-1a expression
↓Akt activation
A549 and H460 10, 20, 50 μM RSV for 10 to 12 days Inhibition of growth in a dose-dependent manner. No effect on expression of cleaved PARP and activated caspase-3, suggesting that low dose RSV treatment inhibits growth in an apoptosis-independent mechanism (1) Increase in SA-B-gal
(2) Increased p53 and p21 expression
(3) Decreased EF1A expression
(4) Increased double-stranded DNA breaks
(5) Increased ROS
(6) Upregulated Nox5 expression
A549 20 μM Benzo(a)pyrene for 48 h pre-treatment + 10 μM RSV for 24 h Decreased cell viability. Increased p53 levels. Cell cycle arrest. Apoptosis (1) Down-regulation of Bcl-2 expression
(2) Decreased cyclin D expression
(3) Increased p21 expression
(4) Increased TRAIL receptors 1 and 2 expression
(5) Down-regulation of NF-KB and IKK1 expression
(6) Induction of G2/M cell cycle arrest
A549 0 μM–40 μM RSV, for 48 h Decreased proliferation and EMT. Suppression of cell adhesion Inhibition of the morphological changes of TGF-β1 induced EMT. [49]
A549 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 μM RSV for 48 h RSV exerts dose-dependent cell inhibition Activation of caspase-3 [38]
CL1-5, A549, H322 and H1435 20 μM RSV, for 48 h Suppression of tumor growth Downregulation of Akt, I-κB and NF-κB [39]
A549 and H1299 0.02, 2% red wine (equivalent to 4, 400 nM RSV) and 0.5, 2% white wine Inhibition of cell proliferation. Wine mixture induced effects that were only reproducible at 50 μM RSV treatment alone (1) Reduced basal and EGF-stimulated Akt and Erk phosphorylation
(2) Increased p53 expression and phosphorylation
H1975 20, 40, 60, 80 nM TMS for 24 h Elevated intracellular calcium levels in Gef resistant NSCLC. Anti-proliferative effect only in G-R NSCLC but not normal NSCLC and normal lung epithelial cells (1) Decreased EGFR phosphorylation and activation
(2) Induction of caspase-independent apoptosis and autophagy by directly binding to SERCA and causing ER stress and AMPK activation
(3) Suppressed the mTOR pathway
(4) Increased JNK activity
A549 5.5 μM–175.2 μM RSV, for 24h Inhibition of growth Induction of caspase-3 [41]
A549 0.05, 0.10, 0.23 μM RSV + 8.14 μg/mL NP for 24 h pre-treatment followed by 100 μg/mL Cigarette Smoke Condensate (CSC) for 48 h RSV at all doses attenuated CSC-induced DNA fragmentation. NPs dramatically increased RSV induced apoptosis in CSC-treated cells Not provided, but results indicate that NPs are capable of increasing the efficacy of lipophilic drugs such as RSV [42]
H727 25 μM RSV for 48 h Decreased cell proliferation and cell viability. Induction of cell cycle arrest AK001796 a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) knockdown by resveratrol [51]
A549 25, 50, 100, 150 μM RSV for 24, 48, 72 h Inhibition of proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. G0/G1 cell cycle arrest. (1) Upregulation of p53 nuclear expression
(2) Downregulating expression levels of cyclin D1, CDK4, CDK6
(3) Upregulation of p21, p27 which are CDK inhibitors
A549 50 μM RSV for 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 h P62 links RSV induced autophagy to apoptosis. P62 inhibits apoptosis by inhibiting Fas/Cav1 complex formation. (1) RSV degraded P62 allowing Fas/Cav1 complex formation
(2) Fas/Cav1 activated caspase-8-mediated Beclin-1 cleavage, resulting in c-terminal Beclin-1 fragment translocation to the mitochondria to initiate apoptosis
A549 10, 20, 40, 80 μM THS for 12 h ↑apoptosis and autophagy (dose dependent) ↑cleaved PARP
↑caspase-3 and -9
↑LC3-II accumulation
↓mTOR pathway
↑ROS levels
A549 50 μM RSV pre-treatment for 4h followed by H2O2 treatment (50–1000 μM) with or without RSV for 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 8, 16 and 24h RSV-loaded nanoparticles restored H2O2 induced ROS levels ↑RSV uptake
↑Nrf2-Keap1 signalling
Accumulation of Nrf2 in abundance
LLC 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 μM DHS for 24 h ↓LLC cell growth ↓cell cycle progression
↓cell numbers arresting at G1
accumulation of pre-G1 events correlated with apoptotic behavior
↓LLC cell migration and matrigeal invasion
CEM and A549 1, 5, 10 and 20 μM for 48 and 72 h ↓proliferation ↑apoptosis ↓tubulin polymerization
G2/M cell cycle arrest at 12–18 h period ↓mitochondrial membrane potential
↑caspase-3 and -9, parp-cleavage

RSV (Resveratrol); PARP (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase); LLC (Lewis lung carcinoma); ROS (Reactive oxygen species); NRF-2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2); Bcl-2 (B-cell lymphoma 2); LC3-II (light chain 3-II); mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin); CDK4 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 4); CSC (cigarette smoke condensate); H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide); JNK (Jun N-terminal kinase); SERCA (sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase); NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer); EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor); Akt (Protein kinase B); Erk (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase); Gef (Guanine nucleotide exchange factor); EMT (Epithelial–mesenchymal transition); TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand); Nox5 (NADPH Oxidase 5); EF1A (Elongation factor 1-alpha); Glut-1 (Glucose transporter 1); SA-B-gal (Senescence-associated beta-galactosidase); HIF-1a (Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha); 18F-FDG (18F-fluorodeoxyglucose); HSP70 (Heat Shock Protein 70); JAK (Janus activated kinase); STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription); WT (wild type); miR-622 (microRNA-622); NF-KB (nuclear factor-KB); TMS (Trimethoxyl Stilbene); IKB (inhibitor of KB); DHS (Dehydrosilybin); GFP-LC3 (green fluorescent protein-light chain 3); TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin); CYP1A1 (cytochrome p450 1A1); PI3K (Phosphoinositide 3-kinase); CDC27 (cell division cycle protein 27); LC3 (light chain 3 protein); chk1 (checkpoint kinase 1); PELP1 (Proline, Glutamate and Leucine Rich Protein 1); ↑ (increase); ↓ (decrease).