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. 2017 Nov 22;9(11):1272. doi: 10.3390/nu9111272

Table 1.

Socio-demographic, lifestyle, clinical, anthropometric and nutritional characteristics of 755 older Portuguese women, ≥65 years old, participating in a cross-sectional observational study according to osmolality (mOsm/kg) tertiles.

Participants‘ Characteristics First, <360.1 mOsm/kg (n = 251) Second, 360.1–484.8 mOsm/kg (n = 252) Third, ≥484.8 mOsm/kg (n = 252) p
Age, years, n (%)
65–79, n (%) 183 (72.9) 177 (70.2) 200 (79.4) 0.055
≥80, n (%) 68 (27.1) 75 (29.8) 52 (20.6)
Regional area, n (%) 0.002
North 77 (30.7) 85 (33.7) 81 (32.1)
Center 78 (31.1) 62 (24.6) 48 (19.0)
Lisbon Metropolitan Area 56 (22.3) 67 (26.6) 79 (31.3)
Alentejo 17 (6.8) 19 (7.5) 35 (13.9)
Algarve 11 (4.4) 9 (3.6) 2 (0.8)
Madeira 9 (3.6) 8 (3.2) 2 (0.8)
Azores 3 (1.2) 2 (0.8) 5 (2.0)
Education, years, n (%)
No formal education 47 (18.7) 46 (18.3) 32 (12.7) 0.725
1–3 56 (22.3) 52 (20.6) 61 (24.2)
4 115 (45.8) 119 (47.2) 118 (46.8)
5–11 23 (9.2) 26 (10.3) 30 (11.9)
≥12 10 (4.0) 9 (3.6) 11 (4.4)
Residence, n (%)
Community-dwelling 234 (93.2) 237 (94.0) 248 (98.4) 0.013
Institutionalized 17 (6.8) 15 (6.0) 4 (1.6)
Marital status, n (%)
Single/divorced/widowed 168 (66.9) 156 (61.9) 146 (57.9) 0.114
Married/common-law marriage 83 (33.1) 96 (38.1) 106 (42.1)
Household income, €, n (%)
<500 61 (24.3) 50 (19.8) 54 (21.4) 0.795
500–999 55 (21.9) 60 (23.8) 55 (21.8)
≥1000 20 (8.0) 25 (9.9) 29 (11.5)
Does not know or does not declare 115 (45.8) 117 (46.4) 114 (45.2)
Physical activity (IPAQ), kcal/week, n (%)
Normal 211 (84.1) 198 (78.6) 219 (86.9) 0.039
Low 40 (15.9) 54 (21.4) 33 (13.1)
Tobacco use, n (%)
No 248 (98.8) 249 (98.8) 247 (98.0) 0.693
Yes 3 (1.2) 3 (1.2) 5 (2.0)
Alcoholic beverage consumption, number of drinks a
None 181 (72.1) 176 (70.1) 187 (74.2)
Moderate (women = 1/day; men = 1 or 2/day) 48 (19.1) 55 (21.9) 47 (18.7) 0.828
Heavy (women ≥ 2/day, men ≥ 3/day) 22 (8.8) 20 (8.0) 18 (7.1)
Cognitive performance (MMSE), n (%)
Maintenance 238 (94.8) 235 (93.3) 237 (94.0) 0.759
Impairment 13 (5.2) 17 (6.7) 15 (6.0)
Number of medicines and supplements, n (%)
0 43 (17.1) 36 (14.3) 43 (17.1) 0.248
1–4 105 (41.8) 121 (48.0) 127 (50.4)
≥5 103 (41.0) 95 (37.7) 82 (32.5)
Diuretics, n (%)
No 205 (81.7) 202 (80.2) 215 (85.3) 0.295
Yes 46 (18.3) 50 (19.8) 37 (14.7)
BMI, kg/m2, n (%)
Underweight/normal 36 (14.3) 37 (14.7) 29 (11.5) 0.111
Overweight 117 (46.6) 102 (40.5) 95 (37.7)
Obesity 98 (39.0) 113 (44.8) 128 (50.8)
Nutritional status (MNA®-SF), n (%)
Not undernourished 208 (82.9) 206 (81.7) 211 (83.7) 0.839
Undernutrition risk/undernourished 43 (17.1) 46 (18.3) 41 (16.3)
Season urine sample collection, n (%)
Autumn/Winter 162 (64.5) 164 (65.1) 151 (59.9) 0.419
Spring/Summer 89 (35.5) 88 (34.9) 101 (40.1)

IPAQ: International Physical Activity Questionnaire; MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination; MNA®-SF: Mini Nutritional Assessment®-Short Form. a One missing value because participant could not recall the frequency of consumption.