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. 2018 Jan;93(1):14–24. doi: 10.1124/mol.117.109744


Data reduction and refinement statistics

Data reduction Space group P 21 21 21
Unit cell dimensions
a, b, c (Å) 148.99, 198.38, 234.88
α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90
Nominal resolution range 39.16–2.91 (2.96–2.91)*
Unique reflections 152,197 (7276)
Rmerge 0.040 (0.427)
Rpim 0.023 (0.277)
CC(1/2) 0.999 (0.848)
Mean (I/σ(I)) 17.0 (1.7)
Completeness (%) 99.9 (96.9)
Multiplicity 3.9 (3.1)
Wilson B factor (Å2) (Xtriage) 70.0
Protein chains in ASU 12
Model refinement Resolution range 39.155–2.910 (2.943–2.910)
Unique reflections 152,082 (4548)
Completeness 99.66
Test set (%) 4.96
R work (%) 21.37 (31.03)
R test (%) 25.76 (37.81)
Heavy atoms 44,746
Mean B-factors (Å2)
Protein 68.5
Heme 49.0
Ritonavir (A, B, and H chains) 83.2
Model quality RMSD bond lengths (Å) 0.005
RMSD bond angle (°) 1.066
Ramachandran plot (Molprobity)
Favored (%) 95.92
Allowed (%) 4.03
Outliers (%) 0.06
Rotamer outliers 0.36%
All-atom clash score 5.37

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell; ASU, asymmetric unit; CC(1/2), correlation coefficient between intensities from random half-datasets.