(A) Relative expression of Dicer1 by qRT-PCR in ADFlox/− angiosarcoma tumors (n = 3) compared to normal aorta from wild type, AD+/+, (n = 3) and heterozygous, AD+/−, (n = 3), mice. P < 0.0001 for all comparisons of control to tumors. (B) Mature miRNA expression in ADFlox/− angiosarcoma and control AD+/+ aortas from (A), P < 0.01 for all except miR-133b P = 0.0207. (C) Genomic PCR for Dicer1 in microscopic dissected tumors with tail DNA as controls. (D)
Dicer1 mRNA in situ hybridization (red) in angiosarcoma tumor and adjacent normal tissue. Scale bar, 25 µm.