Table 7.1.
Variables and response categories for the 2006 NHIS and MEPS used in log-linear model.
Variables of Interest | Response Categories |
Age | 1: [18; 24]; 2: [25; 34]; 3: [35; 44]; 4: [45; 54]; 5: [55; 64]; 6: >= 65 |
Census Region | 1: Northeast; 2: Midwest; 3: South; 4: West |
Education | 1: Less than high school; 2: High school; 3: Some college; 4: College |
Gender | 1: Male; 2: Female |
Health Insurance Coverage | 1: Any Private Insurance; 2: Public Insurance; 3: Uninsured |
Income | 1: (0; 10,000); 2: [10,000; 15,000); 3: [15,000; 20,000); 4: [20,000; 25,000); 5: [25,000; 35,000); 6: [35,000; 75,000); 7: >= 75,000 |
Race | 1: Hispanic; 2: Non-Hispanic White; 3: Non-Hispanic Black; 4: Non-Hispanic All other race groups |