(A) Representative fluorescence microscopy images and (B) quantitative fluorimetric data of 3 and 12 day HEK293 cell cultures transduced with mesh disks configured with AAV2eGFP vector immobilized via PrG/A20 tether (A, right) or with similarly AAV2eGFP-exposed meshes lacking either A20 antibody (A, middle) or both PrG and A20 antibody (A, left) components of the tether. Original magnifications are 200x (day 3) and 100x (day 12).
Spectrophotometric data (C) demonstrating nitrite accumulation per Griess assay in media conditioned with HEK293 cells transduced with AAV2iNOS attached to the bare stainless steel mesh using the PrG/A20 tethering strategy (right). Nitrite levels in the media conditioned with untreated HEK 293 cells (left) and HEK 293 treated with PrG/A20 meshes that were not exposed to AAV2iNOS (middle) were used as controls.