Fig. 6. Analgesic mechanism at the spinal level due to the synergistic effect of GBT and EA on paclitaxel-induced allodynia in mice.
(a) Effect of naloxone, idazoxan, atropine, and PBS pretreatment on the analgesic effect of GBT and EA on paclitaxel-induced cold allodynia. (b) Effect of naloxone, idazoxan, atropine, and PBS pretreatment on the analgesic effect of GBT and EA on paclitaxel-induced mechanical allodynia. Mice with paclitaxel-induced cold and mechanical allodynia were divided into four groups: PBS (i.t., n=6), Naloxone (20 µg, i.t., n=6), Idazoxan (10 µg, i.t., n=6), and Atropine (0.1 µg , i.t., n=5). Antagonists were injected 20 min prior to GBT and EA treatment, and all behavioral assessments were made 60 min after GBT and EA treatment. Data is presented as mean±S.E.M.; **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs. PBS; by paired t-test.