Figure 5.
Reproducibility of mutation detection in FFPE specimens. Two large colon cancer resections were repeatedly tested in separate process batches. DNA was first extracted from all of the tissue in each FFPE block in several batches, pooled, and then used to make 200 ng aliquots. The reproducibility of mutation detection and measured MAF were examined. The MAF measured for the known somatic alterations in these samples is shown, with samples ordered left to right from earliest to latest. (a) One specimen was tested 79 times between November 9, 2011 and June 17, 2012. Three known somatic mutations (COSMIC) were detected in this sample: APC c.4394-4395insAG p.S1465fs*9, KRAS c.35G>A p.G12D, and PTEN c.235G>A p.A79T. Each of these mutations was successfully detected in 79/79 tests. (b) A second specimen was tested 71 times between July 12, 2012 and October 21, 2012. Two known somatic mutations were detected in this sample: APC c.694C>T p.R232* and KRAS c.35G>T p.G12V. Each of these mutations was successfully detected in 71/71 tests.