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Table 1.

Frequency and morphology of cellular inclusions in ALS-FUS

BI BI BI FUS-ir FUS-ir FUS-ir FUS-ir FUS-ir
Motor cortex Subcort Lower motor neurons Motor cortex Subcort Lower motor neurons Morph
Early onset, short duration ++ + ++ +++ ++a +++ Round +
Late onset, long duration + + ++b +++ Tangles +++

Based on data in study by Mackenzie et al. 2011a.

Grading: +, few; ++, moderate; +++, numerous.

ALS-FUS, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis caused by FUS mutations; BI, basophilic inclusion; ir, immunoreactive; NCI, neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion; GCI, glial cytoplasmic inclusion.

aNucleus of the basis pontis, cerebellar dentate nucleus, and substantia nigra.

bBasal ganglia, thalamus, and substantia nigra.