A schematic overview of the type III intermediate filaments (IFs) (only the human form is shown). The three IF domains—head, rod, and tail—are indicated. The rod domain is divided into subregions: the coiled-coil regions 1A (35 aa), 1B (8 aa), 2A (19 aa), and 2B (121 aa); and these subregions are separated by linker regions L1 (8 aa), L1/2 (DES, GFAP, and VIM, 16 aa; PRPH, 18 aa), and L2 (8 aa). The most variability in amino acid length is present in the head and tail region. aa, amino acids; DES, desmin; GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein; L, linker; PRPH, peripherin; VIM, vimentin.