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. 2017 Nov 2;22(44):17-00685. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.44.17-00685

Figure 3.

Number of Aedes albopictus adult females per hectare over time, as estimated in the absence of interventions for 2017 in the 18 mosquito sampling sites, Lazio region, Italy

For each study site, the abundance of Aedes albopictus adult females per hectare in 2017 is presented over the March to December period (line: mean number; shaded area: 95% credible interval); the grey colour is used to depict estimates based on recorded temperatures [13], while red is used for estimates from predicted temperatures based on previously observed trends (scale on the left).

In addition, for each site, the observed (blue dots) and estimated (boxplots) total number of capture female adults during 2012, are shown from March to December (scale on the right). Boxplots represent 2.5%, 25%, 75%, and 97.5% quantile and mean of model estimates.

Figure 3