All cells were loaded with compound
2a,b, (
Figure 1) and analyzed following a depolarization pre-pulse protocol as depicted in
Figure 4a (not shown). (
a) Measurements (once every second) of intracellular Ca
2+ concentrations. A possible effect of PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging was investigated. In the left panel no UV light for uncaging was applied (control, grey). Ca
2+ levels are elevated due to the preceding pre-pulse and show relaxation behavior towards baseline levels. In the middle panel, a possible effect PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging on intracellular Ca
2+ concentration was investigated (PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging group, blue). The timing of the flash is indicated by the vertical red dotted line. No increase of intracellular Ca
2+ was observed upon uncaging. In the right panel, the ratios of the Ca
2+ concentrations after uncaging divided by the Ca
2+ levels prior to the flash were investigated in a cell-wise manner. No effect of PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging was seen. (
b) PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging increases the rate of single vesicle fusion events monitored by amperometry, indicating an effect of PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging on release in the absence of an effect on [Ca
2+]. Amperometric current (continuous trace; left ordinate axis) to detect catecholamine release from single vesicle fusion events (spikes) and mean spike frequency (points with error bars depicting SEM; right ordinate axis) during a recording at a holding potential of V
m = −70 mV. In the left panel no UV light was applied (control, grey). In the middle panel PI(4,5)P
2 was uncaged and the average frequency of vesicle fusion events was increased (PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging group, blue). Please note that the transient coinciding with the uncaging flash is due to an artifact induced by the photoelectric effect when the light hits the amperometric fiber). The right panel depicts the ratio of single vesicle fusion frequencies in the 2.5 s bin after uncaging divided by the frequency in the 2.5 s bin preceding the flash. Opposite behaviors for both groups are seen. (
c) Frequencies of single vesicle fusion events transiently increase following PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging. Same data as in panel (
b), but with extended view of event frequencies following the first two bins depicted above (note the extended time axis). The event frequency in both groups was investigated in 2.5 s long bins. The red vertical dashed line indicates the timing of the UV flash given in the uncaging group. All data are shown as mean ±SEM. Number of cells, n = 20 (control, loaded with cg-PI(4,5)P
2 but not subjected to UV), n = 23 (PI(4,5)P
2 uncaging). P values denote result of two-tailed Student’s t-test.