Whole-body energy and glucose homeostasis. Energy homeostasis in DGKζ KO mice on HFD. RER (A, B), food intake (C, D), and locomotor activity (E, F) were assessed in male (A, C, E) and female (B, D, F) DGKζ KO and wild-type mice at 16 weeks of age and after 11 weeks on HFD (n = 8–14). Whole-body glucose utilization in DGKζ KO and wild-type mice. Basal and insulin-stimulated (clamp) whole-body glucose utilization and hepatic glucose production (HGP) were determined during a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp in 4 h-fasted mice at age 17 weeks after 12 weeks on HFD in male (G) and female (H) mice (n = 6–7). Two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s post hoc testing. ‡P < 0.05 overall genotype effect, †P < 0.05 overall diet effect, #P < 0.05 interaction; *P < 0.05 versus wild-type mice of same time point.