SMC α-actin expression in Sca1-eGFP transgenic mice carotid
cross sections from sham-operated (Sham), ligated (cornstarch), and ligated
treated with Ethanol (Ligated + EtOH) groups. Immunohistochemistry for
smooth muscle specific α-actin was performed on sections from vessels
harvested 14 days post ligation or sham-operation, using an anti alpha-smooth
muscle actin (α-SMA) antibody (Abcam ab5694). Representative images
shown; blue = Dapi nuclear stain, Green = eGFP (i.e.,
Sca1+), red = α-actin. ×20
magnification on left (scale bars 50 μM); ×60, of boxed portion,
shown on right. Width of Adventitia ‘A’ denoted by yellow line,
Media: ‘M’ white line, Neo-intima: ‘NI’ red