Partial carotid ligation or sham-operation was performed in Sca1-eGFP transgenic
mice treated daily with or without ‘moderate’ amounts of EtOH
(0.8 g/kg, oral gavage). Control ligated animals received an isocaloric
cornstarch solution. Vessels harvested on day 14 were fixed, sectioned and
imaged for eGFP, indicative of Sca1 expression. Daily moderate EtOH inhibited
adventitial and intimal formation concomitant with a reduction in the number of
Sca1+ cells per section as analyzed by Fiji ImageJ
software. (a) Representative images (×20 magnification, scale bar 50
μM.); Verhoeff-Van Gieson stained sections (top) and corresponding
confocal immunofluorescence pics (bottom) for sham, ligated, and ligated
+ EtOH groups. Thickness of Adventitia: ‘A’ yellow line,
Media: ‘M’ white line, Neo-intima: ‘NI’ red
line. (b) Higher magnification view (×60) of sham-operated carotid with
a Sca1+ cells present in adventitia and intimal layer
indicated by arrows. (c) Bar graph shows cumulative data for
Sca1+ cells as a percentage of total cells (determined by
DAPI); Sham n=5, Ligated n=6, Ligated + EtOH,
n=6, *p<0.05 vs sham, #p<0.05 vs