Table 2.
Topics Discussed | Sample Interviewer Prompts |
General Overview | What’s going on in (school, family, work, or living situation) these days? Walk me through an average day for you. How satisfied are you with how things are going in life right now? What are things that are stressing you out these days? |
Perceptions about the MTA Study and ADHD (if relevant) | What do you remember about being in the MTA study? What would you want the MTA team to know? What does “having ADHD” mean to you? How do you manage your ADHD? Was ADHD medication a good idea for you? (if relevant) What makes you similar and different from others (e.g., emotionally)? |
Substance Use | Over your whole life, what kinds of illegal and legal drugs have you tried? How did things seem to start with (insert substance)? Is there a certain substance you like best? Why do you think that is? How did your use change, or not change, over time? In what ways, if any, did your use of an ADHD medication impact your use of (insert substance)? |
Work | Can you describe your current job? What would you change about your work situation if you could? What kinds of difficulties are going on at work? |
Future Plans/Goals | What are your hopes for the future (e.g., personal, work, family, friends, romantic relationships)? What are your fears about the future? What would you like to accomplish? What are your expectations about what might actually happen? |
Family | Who are you closest to in your family? How have relationships changed as you’ve grown up? Has anyone had a big influence on you? Who are your role models? |
Peers | Outside of family, do you have people you can really count on? Tell about your romantic relationships. What would you change about your social life if you could? |
School | Is there anything you’d do differently as you progressed through school? What was your parent’s role in your schooling (now and in the past)? What advice would you give to teachers now if you could go back and talk to them? |
Turning Points | What kinds of people/experiences really influenced you or your direction in life? Without this turning point, how would things be different for you? What situations or turning points would you really not want to change? Who/what are the greatest influences on you today? |
Self-Knowledge and Identity | How would you describe yourself now compared to 4 to 5 years ago? What are some strengths and weaknesses you see in yourself? Thinking about ADHD, in what ways is that a part of you? Do you see yourself as a role model for any one or in any way? |
Conclusion | What have we missed that’s important to you? What would you say to the leaders of this project about what’s important to you? What should we include in future interviews and make sure to discuss? |