Table 3.
Proportion (in %) of different modes of feedings in the first 6 months (n = 1899)
Age of infant | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 |
Mode of feeding | % (n) | % (n) | % (n) | % (n) | % (n) | % (n) |
Formula feeding (FF) | 26.8 (508) | 34.2 (428) | 37.6 (545) | 42.5 (549) | 45.0 (599) | 48.0 (619) |
Pumping & feeding (P&F) combined with formula feeding (FF) | 3.7 (70) | 2.2 (27) | 1.8 (26) | 1.6 (21) | 2.0 (26) | 1.4 (18) |
Pumping & feeding (P&F) | 0.95 (18) | 1.2 (15) | 0.7 (10) | 0.7 (9) | 0.6 (8) | 0.8 (10) |
Pumping & feeding (P&F) combined with direct breastfeeding (DBF) | 18.0 (341) | 20.9 (261) | 20.9 (303) | 17.7 (229) | 15.5 (206) | 13.0 (167) |
Direct breastfeeding (DBF) | 24.1 (457) | 19.8 (248) | 19.9 (288) | 19.9 (257) | 20.3 (270) | 20.9 (270) |
Direct breastfeeding (DBF) and formula feeding (FF) | 12.3 (233) | 10.5 (131) | 9.4 (136) | 8.0 (103) | 8.8 (117) | 9.3 (120) |
Mixed: direct breast feeding (DBF), Pumping & feeding (P&F), formula feeding (FF) | 14.3 (272) | 11.3 (142) | 9.7 (141) | 9.6 (124) | 8.0 (106) | 6.7 (86) |
Solid food feeding (SFF) a | 5.8 (112) | 11.9 (618) | 19.1 (425) | 41.2 (561) | 73.1 (540) | 91.4 (593) |
a Solid food feeding (SFF) was queried independently from other feeding modes. Hence, in this table there is no overlap of solid food with other feeding and all proportions do not add up to 100%. The proportions provided in this table also do not fit completely with the proportion in Fig. 1, which proportions add up to 100% each month of observation