Fig. 4.
Taxonomic distribution and evolution of Monarch sperm proteins. a Pie chart displaying the taxonomical distribution of proteins homologous to the Monarch sperm proteome and those unique to Monarch. BLAST searches were conducted beginning with closely related butterfly species and sequentially through more divergent species in Mecopterida, Mecopterida plus Tribolium, and Insecta. In order to be considered Lepidoptera specific, a protein was required to be present in at least at least one butterfly other than Monarch and at least one moth species. Proteins with discontinuous taxonomic patterns of homology are included in the category “unresolved”. b Box plot showing nonsynonymous divergence (dN) of Monarch proteins across four species of butterfly (n = 10,212). Nonsynonymous divergence for sperm proteins identified as specific to Lepidoptera, sperm proteins with homology outside of Lepidoptera and the remainder of the genome are shown. Asterisks (**) indicate p-values less than 1.0 × 10−5. c Box plot displaying the distribution of protein abundance estimates for proteins present only in Lepidoptera and those with homology in other insects. Asterisk (*) indicate p-values less than 0.001