Physicochemical characterization of liposome/PLA/RNA/PLA/HA LbL nanoparticles: (a) Schematic illustration, red denotes the core liposomes, encapsulating cisplatin, blue denotes the two PLA layers with yellow RNA layer in-between, green layer denotes the tumor targeting agent, HA, which is the outer-layer. (b) Hydrodynamic diameters of nanoparticles during LbL fabrication. Charge reversal in zeta potential (c) indicates the successful layer deposition. (d) Polydispersity index of LbL nanoparticles indicates the narrow dispersity in solution. (e) Encapsulation efficiency and weight loading of both cisplatin and RNAs. (f) Staged release of RNA and cisplatin in PBS (pH 7.4) at 37°C. The results represent mean ± Standard Deviation (S.D.) n = 3.