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. 2017 Aug 30;118(6):2956–2974. doi: 10.1152/jn.00322.2017

Table 1.

Interneuronal populations engaged in the mouse locomotor central pattern generation

Neuronal Population Neurotransmitter Target Neurons Proposed Role in Locomotor CPG
Ipsilateral excitatory interneurons
Chx10-expressing V2a INs Glutamate Dbx1-Evx1-expressing V0v INs High-speed left-right coordination*
Shox2-expressing, nonV2a INs Glutamate MNs Rhythm generators
Shox2 INs Low-speed left-right coordination
Flexor-related MNs
Commissural INs
Pitx2-expressing V0c INs Acetylcholine Extensor-related MNs Task-dependent modulation of motor outputs*
Hb9-expressing INs Glutamate Hb9 INs Rhythm generators
Flexor-related MNs
unidentified INs
EphA4 INs (dI4, dI5) Glutamate MNs Non-weight-bearing left-right coordination (dI4 and dI5)
Ipsilateral inhibitory interneurons
En-1-expressing V1 INs GABA/glycine Locomotion speed*
Numerous (>19) subpopulations MNs to specific muscles
    20% comprise:
    RCs Reciprocal MNs
Ia INs
    Ia INs (V1) Flexor-related MNs Flexor-extensor alternation (V1+V2b)*
GATA3/4-expressing V2b INs GABA/glycine Extensor-related MNs Flexor-extensor coordination (V1+V2b)*
GAD65-expressing dorsal INs GABA/glycine MNs Termination of rhythmic motor output
Commissural excitatory interneurons
Dbx1-Evx1-expressing V0v INs Glutamate Contralateral inhibitory INs High-speed left-right coordination*
Contralateral RCs
Contralateral Ia INs
Sim1-expressing V3 INs Glutamate <15% Ipsilateral MNs
Sim1-expressing V3 INs Glutamate Contralateral MNs Left-right coordination*
Contralateral RCs
Contralateral Ia INs
    Comprised of:
    Ventral V3 (V3v) Contralateral MNs Left-right coordination*
    Dorsal V3 (V3d) Contralateral INs Weight bearing
Left-right coordination*
Commissural inhibitory interneurons
Dbx1-Pax7-expressing V0d INs GABA/glycine Contralateral MNs Low-speed left-right coordination
WT1-expressing dI6 INs GABA/glycine Left-right coordination?
    Subpopulation dI6 ? Ipsilateral INs? Rhythm generation?
    Subpopulation dI6 ? Ipsilateral MNs? Pattern formation?
GAD67-expressing ventral INs GABA/glycine Contralateral MNs Left-right coordination
Contralateral RCs
Neurons in numerous laminae
Bilateral inhibitory interneurons
Dmrt3-expressing INs GABA/glycine Ipsilateral + contralateral MNs High-speed movements
Flexor-extensor, left-right coordination*

CPG, central pattern generation; INs, interneurons; MNs, motoneurons; RCs, Renshaw cells.


Locomotor activity examined in juvenile/adult mice.