Figure 2.
Effect estimates and 95% CIs at 12 months
The forest plot shows effect sizes and 95% CIs for the primary and secondary outcomes for both groups of the study. Effect sizes were calculated as the estimated between-group differences for each outcome at each timepoint, divided by the SD of the outcome measure at baseline across all participants. Measurements were taken at baseline and 12 months. GDS-LD=Glasgow Depression Scale for people with Learning Disabilities. IDDS=Intellectual Disabilities Depression Scale. GAS-ID=Glasgow Anxiety Scale for people with Intellectual Disabilities. BPI-S=Behaviour Problems Inventory for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, short form. EQ-5D-Y=EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire, Youth version. EQ-5D-VAS=EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire Visual Analogue Scale. ICI=Index of Community Involvement. IPDL=Index of Participation in Domestic Life. SSQ3=Social Support Questionnaire. ABS=Adaptive Behavior Scale (Residential and Community: second edition). EDSE=Emotional Difficulties Self-Efficacy Scale. BLESID=Bangor Life Events Schedule for Intellectual Disabilities. *Where a decrease in score indicated a positive change, effect sizes were reported as positives (GDS-LD, IDDS, GAS-ID, BPI-S, and BLESID had negative effect sizes, indicating a positive change).