Figure 2.
Overexpression of VEGFA attenuates the effect of siHOTAIR. A. Western blot was performed to determine the VEGFA protein level in A172 cells. siHOTAIR suppressed the expression of VEGFA in the A172 cells. B. ELISA was performed to determine the VEGFA protein level in the A172 cell CM. siHOTAIR suppressed the secretion of VEGFA in the A172 cell CM. C. The expression of VEGFA increased in A172 cells infected with the pVEGFA compared with those of cells infected with the empty vector, as measured by western blot. D. CM from A172 cells overexpressing VEGFA attenuated the suppressive effect of siHOTAIR on HBMVEC migration, as measured by the transwell migration assay (magnification, 200×). E. CM from A172 cells overexpressing VEGFA attenuated the suppressive effect of siHOTAIR on HBMVEC tube formation, as measured by the tube formation assay (magnification, 100×). Data represent mean ± SD (N = 3, each). si-NC: siRNA negative control; CM: conditional medium; *P<0.05, **P<0.001.