Microtitre plate (flat-bottom wells) illustrating susceptibility testing of a M. pachydermatis isolate against two antifungal drugs (ITZ: rows 1–2 and 5–6 and MCZ: rows 3–4 and 7–8) tested in duplicate with two different media (Urea Christensen Broth with Tween 40 and 80 as lipid source, rows 1–4; lipid-free Sabouraud broth, rows 5–8). The last column on the right comprises the drug-free growth controls. The last column on the left is the negative control (no yeast inoculum; no drug). The rows of wells contain doubling dilutions of the drugs from 4 to 0.007 µg/mL with the highest concentration to the left of the plate. For this experiment, the MICs were 0.06 (ITZ) and 4 (MCZ) µg/mL if tested in the lipid-supplemented broth; or 0.007 µg/mL for both drugs if tested in the lipid-free broth. In this latter medium, a yeast growth is visible only in the control wells. A partial color change due to the urease activity of the yeast and consequent rise of pH, is visible in some wells. It can be also noted that the yeast produced a diffuse turbidity in the wells.