Table 2. Sampling and survey terms and definitions.
Term | Definition |
Survey site data | The mean values of estimated observed quantities from the stationary point counts surveys conducted at each site. Typically derived from a single pair of simultaneous adjacent stationary point counts (i.e., two or more surveys). Sites have associated metadata including depth, visibility, slope, habitat type and complexity and geographic coordinates. |
Reporting unit | A collection of survey sites, typically an island or atoll, and in some cases small island groups or sectors of larger islands |
Statistical sampling domain | Hard-bottom habitat in <30-m depths |
Strata | Reef zone (backreef, forereef, protected slope, lagoon) |
Depth zone (shallow 0–6 m*, mid 6–18 m, deep 18–30 m) | |
Sectors (e.g., management units† and stretches of coastline with broadly similar habitat, exposure, and local human population density‡) |
*For practical reasons, sites in which the centre point of the survey cylinder is shallower than 1.5 m are not surveyed.
†For the island of Guam only.
‡Currently only in the main Hawaiian Islands, Tutuila, and Guam. Due to limited replication we typically pool depth zones together for backreef and lagoon zones.