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. 2017 Dec 5;4:170176. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.176

Table 4. Descriptions of data columns in the Pacific RAMP REA fish survey data file.

Data field Descriptor
REGION Code for one of the five Pacific Island regions Pacific RAMP surveys. MHI=main Hawaiian Islands, NWHI=northwestern Hawaiian Islands, PRIA=Pacific Remote Island Areas, SAMOA=American Samoa.
ISLAND Island or atoll surveyed
SITE The 9-character code for the site surveyed. Combines a 3-letter island code with a site number
LATITUDE Site latitude in decimal degrees
LONGITUDE Site longitude in decimal degrees
REEF_ZONE The reef zone for the given site (forereef, backreef, lagoon, protected slope)
DEPTH_BIN Classification of depth (shallow [0–6 m], mid [6–18 m], deep [18–30 m]) based on midpoint between minimum and maximum depths of replicates at this site
SITEVISITID Unique numeric identifier for each site visit record. A site visit represents a single survey at a particular site
DATE Date the survey was conducted
OBS_YEAR Year the survey was conducted
DIVER Unique numeric code for diver conducting survey
REPLICATEID Unique identifier for the point count sample within a fish survey
REP Letter associated to a pair of adjacent point counts (mostly one pair per survey, thus ‘A’; can also be ‘B’ in cases where a survey involved more than one SPC-pair)
DEPTH_M Depth of survey area in meters
HARD_CORAL Percentage of hard coral that is part of the overall benthic cover
MA Percentage of macroalgae that is part of the overall benthic cover
CCA Percentage of crustose coralline algae that is part of the overall benthic cover
SAND Percentage of sand algae that is part of the overall benthic cover
OTHER Percentage of other categories (turf algae, soft coral and cyanobacteria) that are part of the overall benthic cover
HABITAT_CODE Habitat Type. AGR (aggregate reef), APR (aggregate patch reef), APS (aggregate patch reefs), MIX (mixed habitat), PAV (pavement), PPR (pavement with patch reefs), PSC (pavement with sand channels), ROB (rock boulder), RRB (reef rubble), SAG (spur and groove), SCR (scattered coral/rock), UNK (unknown) WAL (Wall). This represents the general area in which the survey is conducted, rather than the exact area of the survey cylinders. Nominally, this is based on thinking of the survey itself as being at the centre of a 50 m*50 m cell and habitat code is for the entire cell.
CURRENT_STRENGTH Strength of water current as qualitatively assessed by diver (None, Slight, Moderate, High). Contains missing values prior to 2013.
VISIBILITY_M Visibility measured in meters. Between 2010 and 2014, this was estimated by divers. From 2015 onwards, horizontal visibility has been measured using a Secchi disc. All estimates capped at 30 m.
MIN_DEPTH_M Minimum slope depth in meters
MAX_DEPTH_M Maximum slope depth in meters
COMPLEXITY Visual estimate of complexity on a six point scale (1:6) from surveys in 2010 and 2011
SUBSTRATE_HEIGHT_0 Visual estimate of percentage of survey cylinder between 0 and 20 cm in relief from surveys 2012 onwards
SUBSTRATE_HEIGHT_20 Visual estimate of percentage of survey cylinder between 20 and 50 cm in relief from surveys 2012 onwards
SUBSTRATE_HEIGHT_50 Visual estimate of percentage of survey cylinder between 50 and 100 cm in relief from surveys 2012 onwards
SUBSTRATE_HEIGHT_100 Visual estimate of percentage of survey cylinder between 100 and 150 cm in relief from surveys 2012 onwards
SUBSTRATE_HEIGHT_150 Visual estimate of percentage of survey cylinder over 150 cm in relief from surveys 2012 onwards
MAX_HEIGHT Highest elevation point in SPC cylinder measured in centimeters from surveys 2012 onwards
URCHIN_DACOR Semi-quantitative estimate of free urchin abundance (D: Dominant [>100], A: Abundant [51–100], C: Common [21–50], O: Occasional [6–20], R: Rare [<5]) from surveys 2012 onwards
BORING_URCHIN_DACOR Semi-quantitative estimate of boring urchin abundance (D: Dominant [>500], A: Abundant [251–500], C: Common [101–250], O: Occasional [26–100], R: Rare [<25]) from surveys 2012 onwards
SPECIES 4-letter species code for data entry
TAXONNAME Scientific name at time the species was added to the database
COMMON_FAMILY Common name of family
FAMILY Taxonomic family classification
CONSUMER_GROUP Consumer groupings used for Pacific RAMP reporting (Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Planktivore, Piscivore)
LW_A Parameter ‘a’ used in length-weight calculations
LW_B Parameter ‘b’ used in length-weight calculations
LMAX Maximum length of the fish derived largely from FishBase
LENGTH_CONVERSION_FACTOR Factor to convert total length to correct form (standard length, fork length) if the length weight A and B parameters to convert length to biomass are not in total length
COUNT Number of fish observed of this size and species
SIZE_TL_CM Estimated total length, for fishes this is from the tip of the snout to the tip of the longer lobe of the caudal fin, reported in centimeters. Length for rays (e.g., Myliobatidae, Dasyatidae) is measured from pectoral fin tip to pectoral fin tip
OBS_TYPE A single letter representation of the observation type (I: Instantaneous, N: Non-Instantaneous, F: species first entering the cylinder 5–10 min after start of survey, T: species entering cylinder 10–30 min after start of surveys, P: Present in vicinity of survey