Fig. 2.
Soluble TACI and sBCMA levels are not elevated in the serum of PCNSL patients. (A, B) Soluble TACI and sBCMA levels were determined by ELISA in serum (active PCNSL: n = 21; SCNSL: n = 4; PBT: n = 11; SBT: n = 10; patients with neuroinfectious diseases: n = 9; patients with neuroinflammatory diseases: n = 21; ONDs: n = 29). Horizontal bars indicate the median; normality testing was performed using the D’Agostino–Pearson omnibus test, as the normality test was not passed in all subgroups, sTACI levels in the subgroups were compared by Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test. Filled star: patient initially with a diagnosis of PCNSL who experienced a systemic relapse; empty star: patient with the diagnosis of DLBCL and systemic and CNS manifestation. (A) Soluble TACI is not elevated in the serum of patients with PCNSL compared with all other patient subgroups. (B) Soluble BCMA is not elevated in the serum of patients with PCNSL compared with all other patient subgroups.