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. 2017 Dec 5;17:126. doi: 10.1186/s12893-017-0315-x

Table 3.

Clinicopathologic characteristics and oncological outcomes of 95 patients with stage 0-III rectal cancer undergoing robotic-assisted total mesorectal excision

Preoperative clinical staging
 Tumor depth
  T1 2 (2.1%)
  T2 19 (20.0%)
  T3 61 (64.2%)
  T4 13 (13.7%)
 Lymph Node metastasis
  N0 38 (40.0%)
  N1 40 (42.1%)
  N2 17 (17.9%)
 AJCCa Stage (Clinical)
  I 14 (14.7%)
  II 24 (25.3%)
  III 57 (60.0%)
Postoperative pathological outcomes
  Well differentiation 16 (16.9%)
  Moderate differentiation 76 (80.0%)
  Poor differentiation 3 (3.1%)
 Tumor size
  < 5 cm 85 (89.5%)
   ≥ 5 cm 10 (10.5%)
 Tumor size (cm, mean ± SD) (range) 2.46 ± 1.652 (0–8)
 Tumor depth
  T0 29 (30.5%)
  Tis 1 (1.0%)
  T1 14 (14.7%)
  T2 20 (21.1%)
  T3 28 (29.5%)
  T4 3 (3.2%)
 Lymph Node metastasis
  N0 73 (77.1%)
  N1 19 (19.8%)
  N2 3 (3.1%)
 AJCC Stage (Pathologic)
  0 27 (28.4%)
  I 27 (28.4%)
  II 19 (20.0%)
  III 22 (23.2%)
 Tumor Regression Grade (75 patients with preoperative CCRT)
  0 28 (37.3%)
  1 30 (40.0%)
  2 11 (14.7%)
  3 6 (8.0%)
 Harvested Lymph Node (median) (range) 9 (0–36)
 Harvested Apical Node (median) (range) 2 (0–15)
 Distance of distal resection margin (cm, median) (range) 2.30 (0.2–6.5)
 Distance of circumferential resection margin (cm, median) (range) 1.0 (0.2–3.5)
 Distal resection margin
  Free 94 (98.9%)
  Positive 1 (1.1%)
 Circumferential resection margin
  Free 93 (97.9%)
  Positive 2 (2.1%)
 Resection Degree of Primary tumor
  R0 92 (96.8%)
  R1 3 (3.2%)
 Oncological outcomes
 Follow-up periods (months, median) (range) 25.6 (6.6–52.2)
 R0 resection 91
  Locoregional recurrence 5 (5.5%)
  Distant metastasis 10 (11.0%)
   Liver + Lung 1 (1.1%)
   Lung 5 (5.5%)
   Liver 2 (2.2%)
   Chest Wall 1 (1.1%)
   Peritoneal carcinomatosis 1 (1.1%)
 R1 resection 3
  Local recurrence 1 (33.3%)
  Lung 1 (33.3%)
  Peritoneum 1 (33.3%)

a AJCC American Joint Commission on Cancer