A) Representative cryo-EM micrograph of Vps4
101-437-Hcp1 particles. (
BC) Representative 2D class averages, (
B) before and (
C) after Hcp1 signal subtraction. (
D) Gold-standard FSC of the Hcp1-subtracted particle reconstructions on independent (odd:even particles) halves of the data (blue) and FSC between the refined model and the density map (orange). (
E) Cross-validation of refined model (see Materials and methods). (
F) Angular distribution plot based on orientation assignments in RELION and visualized in UCSF Chimera. Cylinders scaled (low to high) and colored (blue to red) proportional to number of particles in the assigned orientation. (
G) Local resolution estimates determined by ResMap (
Kucukelbir et al., 2014).