Individual-level capacity
EBDM skill gaps summary
Sum of 10 calculated gaps |
10 |
Likert 11-point scale |
Score for perceived importance of each skill minus score for perceived work unit availability of each skill |
Skill gap
Prioritization |
Perceived importance minus availability |
1 |
Likert 11-point scale |
Prioritization: Understand how to prioritize program and policy options |
Adapting interventions |
Adapting interventions: Understand how to modify programs and policies for different communities and settings |
Quantifying the issue |
Quantifying the issue: Understand the uses of descriptive epidemiology (eg, concepts of person, place, time) in quantifying a public health issue |
Evaluation designs |
Evaluation designs: Understand the different designs that are useful in program or policy evaluation |
Quantitative evaluation |
Quantitative evaluation: Understand the uses of quantitative evaluation approaches |
Qualitative evaluation |
Qualitative evaluation: Understand the value of qualitative evaluation approaches (eg, focus groups, key informant interviews) |
Economic evaluation |
Economic evaluation: Understand how to use economic data in the decision making process |
Action planning |
Action planning: Understand the importance of developing an action plan for how to achieve goals and objectives |
Community assessment |
Community assessment: Understand how to define the health issue according to the needs and assets of the population/community of interest |
Communicating research to policy |
Communicating research to policy makers: Understand the importance of effectively communicating with policy makers about public health issues |
Use of research evidence
Mean of responses |
6 |
Frequency 4 categories |
How often do you use research evidence to:
Write a grant application
Plan or conduct a needs assessment
Select policies, programs, or other interventions
Justify selection of interventions to funders, agency leadership, or external partners
Evaluate interventions
Develop materials for local public health, partners
Organization-level capacity
Access to evidence and skilled staff |
Factor created in exploratory factor analysis (EFA) |
4 |
Likert 7-point scale |
Agreement with statements:
My work unit has access to current research evidence for EBDM
Informational resources are available to my work unit to promote the use of EBDM
My work unit currently has the resources (eg, staff, facilities, partners) to support application of EBDM
The staff in my work unit has the necessary skills to carry out EBDM
Program evaluation |
Factor created in EFA |
3 |
Likert 7-point scale |
Agreement with statements:
My work unit plans for evaluation of interventions before implementation
My work unit uses evaluation data to monitor and improve interventions
My work unit distributes intervention evaluation findings to other organizations
Supervisory expectations |
Factor created in EFA |
3 |
Likert 7-point scale |
Agreement with statements:
My direct supervisor expects me to use EBDM
My direct supervisor recognizes the value of management practices that facilitate EBDM
My performance is partially evaluated on how well I use EBDM in my work
Participatory decision making |
Factor created in EFA |
3 |
Likert 7-point scale |
Agreement with statements:
When decisions are made within my work unit, program staff members are asked for input
Information is widely shared in my work unit so that everyone who makes decisions has access to all available knowledge
My work unit engages a diverse external network of partners that share resources for EBDM