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. 2017 Dec 2;190(1):2. doi: 10.1007/s10661-017-6360-1

Table 2.

Summary of the selected criteria for semi-arid streams and rivers

Category Attributes Criteria Conditions References of tools to be used
Status 1. Protection status Protected areas Assemblée Nationale (1997 and 2001)
2. River bed dynamics (Near to) natural*) Mühlmann (2010)
3. Channel form (Near to) natural*) Mühlmann (2010)
4.Substrate composition (Near to) natural*) Mühlmann (2010)
5. Bank dynamics (Near to) natural*) Mühlmann (2010)
Hydro-morphological features 6. In-channel features (Near to) natural*) Mühlmann (2010)
River morphology 7. Channel structure typical to the typology Near to) natural*) Hughes (1995)
8. Dam barrier or reservoir upstream at 500 m of sites No dam barrier or reservoir**) Present study
9. Habitat composition Representative diversity of substrate composition corresponds to related typology**) Johnson et al.(2013)
10.Spawning habitats for the natural fish population (Near to) natural***) Barbour et al. (1996)
12. Sand or gravel excavation No**) Nijboer et al. (2004)
Hydrological condition 13. Alteration of the natural hydrograph and discharge regime No alteration****) Barbour et al. (1996)
14. Water extraction for hydropower and industrial uses No****) Present study
15. Water extraction for irrigation No (few exception tolerated if in harmony with nature)**) Hering et al. (2003)
Physicochemical features Point source pollution 16. Point source pollution and eutrophication No**), ***) Hering et al. (2003)
17. Sign of salinity No*****) Present study
27. Diffuse input No**) Nijboer et al. (2004)
Sensoric features 18. Color and odor Only natural**)* Moog, and Sharma (2005)
19. Foam Only natural***) Moog, and Sharma (2005)
20. Turbidity Only natural***) Moog and Sharma (2005)
21. Waste dumping No**) Moog and Sharma (2005)
Physicochemical 22. Conductivity < 75 μs/cm*****) Present study
23. Dissolved oxygen > 6.0 mg/l*****) Present study
Nonpoint source poll. 24. Livestock at 100 m of site No**) Present study
25. Cattle watering No, only wildlife**) Lakew et Moog (2015)
Direct water uses 26. Washing and bathing Only minimal activities**) Hering et al. (2003)
Land use 28. Crop farming in the riparian zone No**) Hering et al. (2003)
29. Riparian vegetation (near to) natural*) Mühlmann (2010)
30. Extensive agriculture No**) Kaboré et al. (2015)
31. Intensive agriculture No**) Kaboré et al. (2015)
32. Urbanization, industry, and other uses No**) Kaboré et al. (2015)
33. Fishery activity No evidence**), ***) Kaboré et al. (2015)
34. Human settlement in the floodplain area No**), ***) Kaboré et al. (2015)
35. Riparian zone use for recreation Occasional**) Kaboré et al. (2015)
36. Lateral connectivity between river and riparian zone Natural**) Richardson et al. (2012)
Biological elements 37. Presence of wild birds and mammals Possibly (field observation) **), ***) Barbour et al. (1996)

*) class 1 of the Mühlmann classification system; **) yes/no-information by field trips or written information, Google earth map; ***) information available from Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, local river authority, or other sources (e.g., local fishermen, foresters, natural park guides); ****) information available at the Water and Environment Ministry or written information; *****) in-situ measurements with probes (e.g., conductivity meter; oxygen meter)