Synthesis of trade-wind shallow cumulus cloud feedback strength (in ) as simulated by different types of numerical models: LES (blue), SCM (orange) and CMIP5 GCM (green). For LES/SCM, different case studies are considered: CGILS-like s6 (Zhang et al. 2012; Blossey et al. 2013; Tan et al. 2017) and RICO-like (Rieck et al. 2012; Vogel et al. 2016). For each study, we provide, where applicable, information on the perturbed experiment used as surrogate for climate change ( or ), if the large-scale subsidence () is perturbed or not, the domain size (small domain of or large domain of 50 km), if SST is prescribed (fixed SST) or interactive (the atmosphere is coupled to a slab ocean), and if precipitation is allowed or not. For multi-model studies, we indicate the number of models that simulate a positive or negative feedback (colored numbers on the top of the arrow bars). The black numbers at the extremities of the SCM arrow bar correspond to the minimum and maximum values of the simulated feedbacks