FIG 4.
GDL knockout strains of C. bescii. (A) GDL layout for the eight knockout strains generated from C. bescii strain JWCB005. The location of the PslpCbhtk cassette insertion at the gene deletion location is shown. (B) SDS-PAGE gel containing secretome samples from the C. bescii wild-type strain, the parent strain JWCB005, and knockout strains RKCB120 to -132. Lanes were loaded with equal protein masses. The expected locations of the GDL enzymes are shown on the left. (C) Log2-transformed apex AUC values for GDL proteins from the C. bescii wild type and strains RKCB120, RKCB121, RKCB130, and RKCB132. Significant differences between the wild-type and mutant strains (two-tailed t test; P ≤ 0.05) are marked with asterisks. The full proteomics data set is available in Table S1 in the supplemental material. nd, not detected; KO, genes knocked out in mutant strains.