Fig. 5.
Nanomechanical maps of a polymer blend using Probe I. Top-right inset c: Scheme of the variable peak force control for indentation depth regulation on a heterogeneous surface. a Topography. b Map of the adhesion force. d Cross-section along the line shown in a, showing that the LDPE islands were up to 45–50 nm higher than the PS matrix. e Histogram of the adhesion force map described in b. f Map of the peak force, which was instantaneously regulated according to the contact stiffness on the PS and LDPE regions. g Map of the indentation depth δ. h Map of the stiffness. i Map of the elastic modulus. j Cross-section along the line shown in f. k Histogram of the δ map described in g. l Histogram of the stiffness map described in h. m Histogram of the elastic modulus map described in i. Scale bar, 1 μm