Appendix 1.
Search Strategy
Database | Search Strategy |
CINAHL | (TX concuss* OR TX “mild traumatic brain injury” OR TX mtbi OR MW brain concussion) AND (TX gait OR TX ambulat* OR TX walk* OR MW gait OR MW gait disorders, neurologic OR MW gait analysis OR MW walking) AND (TX “dual task” OR TX “dual-task” OR TX multitask* OR TX “multi-task*” OR TX “divided attention” OR TX distrac* OR TX “split attention” OR TX “simultaneous task” OR TX “secondary task” OR TX “task perform*” OR MW ( task performance and analysis ) OR MW ( motor activity ) OR MW ( physical activity )) |
ProQuest | (Concuss* OR (“Mild traumatic brain injury”) OR mTBI OR mesh(Brain Concussion) OR su(Concussion) OR su(Traumatic Brain Injury)) AND (gait OR mesh(gait) or mesh(Gait disorder, neurologic) OR ambulat* OR su(walking) OR walk* OR mesh(walking)) AND (“dual task” OR dual-task OR multitask* OR multi-task OR “simultaneous task” OR su(multitasking) OR “divided attention” OR “split attention” OR distract* OR mesh(Motor activity) OR mesh(task performance)) |
PubMed | ((((Concuss*[Text Word]) OR “Mild Traumatic Brain Injury”[Text Word]) OR mTBI[Text Word]) OR brain concussion[MeSH Terms]) AND ((((((gait[MeSH Terms]) OR gait disorder, neurologic[MeSH Terms]) OR gait[Text Word]) OR ambulat*[Text Word]) OR walk*[Text Word]) OR walking[MeSH Terms]) AND ((((((((((“Dual Task”[Text Word]) OR “Dual-Task”[Text Word]) OR multitask[Text Word]) OR “multi-task”[Text Word]) OR “Simultaneous Task”[Text Word]) OR “divided attention”[Text Word]) OR “split attention”[Text Word]) OR distrac*[Text Word]) OR motor activity[MeSH Terms]) OR performance, task[MeSH Terms]). |
Scopus | ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( concuss* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “mild traumatic brain injury” ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( mtbi ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( gait ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ambulat*) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( walk* ) ) AND (( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “dual task” OR “dual-task” ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( multitask* OR “multi-task” ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “divided attention” ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( distrac* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “split attention” ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “simultaneous task” ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “secondary task” ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “task perform*” ) ) |
SportDiscus | (TX concuss* OR TX “mild traumatic brain injury” OR TX mtbi OR SU brain concussion) AND (TX gait OR TX ambulat* OR TX walk* OR SU gait disorders OR SU walking) AND (TX ( “dual task” OR “dual-task” ) OR TX ( multitask* OR “multi-task*” ) OR TX “divided attention” OR TX distrac* OR TX “split attention” OR TX “simultaneous task” OR TX “secondary task” OR TX “task perform*” OR SU performance evaluation OR SU motor ability testing) |
Web of Science | (TOPIC: (Concuss*) OR TOPIC: (“Mild Traumatic Brain Injury”) OR TOPIC: (mTBI) OR TOPIC: (Brain Concussion)) AND (TOPIC: (Gait) OR TOPIC: (Ambutlat*) OR TOPIC: (walk*)) AND (TOPIC: (“Dual Task”) OR TOPIC: (“Dual-task”) OR TOPIC: (Multitask*) OR TOPIC: (“Multi-task”) OR TOPIC: (“simultaneous task”) OR TOPIC: (“divided attention”) OR TOPIC: (“split attention”) OR TOPIC: (distract*)) |